Course finder and web page accessibility in higher education
Accessibility in university websites, specifically in tools like course finders and on degree programme web pages, is not just a buzzword, but a fundamental principle that shapes the user experience.
The challenges faced in education to become digitally accessible
In this blog, we explore what barriers are preventing educational institutions from becoming accessible and some best practices they could adopt to upscale their digital accessibility.
Campaign fighting for ‘Education 4 All’ has now commenced
The ‘Education 4 All’ campaign has now begun. Between 10-21 June, the awareness raising campaign strives to provide equal access to learning by removing barriers in education due to poor digital accessibility.
A guide to inclusive learning resources in education
To enable equal ‘Education 4 All’ students, it’s essential that in schools and higher education, digital accessibility is made a priority. This guide will talk you through key considerations that can assist you in creating inclusive learning resources for all.
Digital accessibility campaign launches to fight for equal ‘Education 4 All’
Launching in June, the Education 4 All campaign aims to break down barriers in education due to poor digital accessibility that is stripping students of an equal access to learning.
Automated vs. manual digital accessibility testing: which is right for you?
With 16% of the world’s population having some form of disability, organisations need to ensure that their digital platforms are inclusive. Accessibility audits can help to achieve this goal, if the right testing procedure is chosen.
Busting 10 common digital accessibility myths
Although people are beginning to understand the need to make their digital platforms accessible, there are still many myths (or excuses) that circulate surrounding why they aren’t making this the case. This blog will debunk these common misunderstandings.