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Campaign fighting for ‘Education 4 All’ has now commenced

Written by Cheryl Swan on

The ‘Education 4 All’ campaign has now begun. Between 10-21 June, the awareness raising campaign strives to provide equal access to learning by removing barriers in education due to poor digital accessibility.

About the Education 4 All Campaign

HeX Productions Creative Director, James Hall, shares what challenges many students face in education due to a lack of digital accessibility on websites and learning resources and how our campaign strives to provide education for all.

Why we need to campaign for equal access to education

There is a montage of images of 5 students. The first is a female white university student who is looking happy whilst sat next to a laptop. Second is a young Asian pupil who is making notes whilst listening to content though headphones at his desk. The third is a white female college student who has a prosthetic arm and is talking to someone through a Zoom call. Fourth is an Asian wheelchair user who is looking serious whilst he concentrates on inputting information into a tablet, and finally, taken from behind you can see a student using a Braille keyboard and wearing a headset for his screen reader.

As 26% of the world’s population are born with a disability, accessible education is a must. 

Education is a fundamental human right and everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn. Sadly, inaccessible websites and learning resources that haven’t been created to be inclusive strips many students of this right.

Educators have a responsibility to create digital resources and provide accessible platforms that don’t disable people. Not only do students learn in varying ways, but they all have different needs when it comes to how they access and interact with content. 

Accessibility is achieved in education when the design of courses, online spaces, and teaching methods meet the needs of all of their students. This enables every young person to have equal access and opportunities to learn, regardless of their physical, sensory, cognitive, or other disabilities. Being inclusive ensures that all students acquire the same information, enjoy identical services as their peers, and can fully engage in interactions; creating a learning environment where they can all thrive and reach their full potential.

The benefits of digital accessibility in education

Digital accessibility benefits everyone. If websites and course materials are built to be inclusive it can:

  • Enable students who use assistive technology to be able to interact with them.
  • Assist users with learning or neurodiverse disabilities, such as dyslexia or autism to better digest and understand content.  
  • Help students with a non-permanent disability, such as a broken arm, chronic illness, or temporary loss in vision during that time. 
  • Enhance the learning experience for everyone.
  • Create a more usable and streamlined user journey on websites. 
  • Strengthen equality and inclusion in schools. Along with heightening empathy and helping to foster a sense of belonging among students.
  • Allow educators to reach a broader range of students. 
  • Reduces the need for alternative accommodations.
  • Ensure educational institutions are compliant with web standards and Public Sector Legislation. 

And, of course, provide equal education for all. 

How you can get involved with the Education 4 All campaign

  • Show your support for the campaign and help us spread the word about this important matter. Access a range of resources that you can download and share on social media.
  • Share your experiences of the challenges you have faced due to poor digital accessibility in education and how it affected you. 
  • Showcase what your institution has done to enhance the learning experience and encourage others to follow suit.  
  • Tell us about useful resources you’ve found that can help others.
  • Help to spread the word and implore others to provide education for all!

Use the hashtag #Education4All on all and tag us in your posts between 10-21 June.

Keep up-to-date with the Education 4 All campaign

Follow us on social media and hear unique perspectives and top tips about digital accessibility.

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