Your web site should grow with you and help you expand but with that you need to keep everything up-to-date. Find out how you should keep things up to date
Your web site should grow with you and help you expand but with that you need to keep everything up-to-date.

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Updating your website
There are a number of items to consider:
1. Are you keeping your content fresh?
It is always highly recommended to invest time in creating clear and concise content not only for SEO but also to make sure your customers are fully aware of your services.
2. Do you have any outdated imagery?
Everything moves on so you need to make sure all of the images you are using are still relevant. Have you changed your logo or are your models still happy to be promoting you.
3. Are you keeping on top of all of your social profiles?
There are so many platforms one is bound to be forgotten, the only problem is that keeping your social sites is a great way of engaging with your customers and directing traffic to your site.
4. Check the links coming to your site?
People will be linking to your site, but are they linking to the right places? Use tools like Google Web Master Tools or your analytical packages to see who are referring visitors to your site, this will allow you to start understanding your visitor journey.
5. Is your Content Management System (CMS) and plugins all up-to-date?
For me, this is one of the biggest. You must stay on top of your updates, there are some horrible people out there just looking for holes in your security. If your site is hacked not only can it stop working but they can use it to display any message they like, not at all what you want.
Keep an eye on the latest news on your CMS and make sure if there is a potential risk your site is updated to remove the risk.
If it’s all a little too much, come and ask for a helping hand
There may only be five points above but they do take a lot of time out of your day-to-day tasks, the tasks you want to concentrate on to help keep your business running. We can take the stress away for you.
We offer a range of different maintenance packages to help manage your site. Come and have a chat with us to see the different options or let us give your website a free web site health check to see if we can spot any potential issues.