What does HeX Productions do…and how do I personally feel about it?
Hall Park Academy’s work experience placement, Emily, discusses what she’s learnt about HeX and how she feels about digital services.
Meet HeX’s work experience placement, Emily Bailey
Emily has joined the HeX team from Hall Park Academy in Eastwood, Nottingham. Throughout this week-long placement, Emily has been learning all about the interesting world of digital accessibility!
Making your website accessible for people with learning disabilities and cognitive impairments
When users have varying needs, making your digital service accessible can be challenging. In this blog we provide the best practices to ensuring your digital service is accessible to those with learning disabilities and difficulties
The HeX-Press: Global Accessibility Awareness
There are one billion people worldwide who have some form of disability. However, 96.5% of home pages, out of the one million tested by WebAIM this year, still have at least one accessibility failure within them. This Global Accessibility Awareness Day we look at what people can do to address this.
Tackling loneliness through digital inclusion
The theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is loneliness.
The Accessibility HeX-Press: Deaf Awareness Week
Welcome to the first edition of our accessibility newsletter. In this feature we’ll be focusing on what you can do to help your Deaf community both online and face-to-face.
HeX Productions secure accessibility contract with the world’s largest operating system
Nottingham-based digital agency, HeX Productions, has secured a contract with the worldwide computer software giant Canonical.