Introduction to Content Design: The Basics (Part 1)

Our content specialist, Ben, enrolled on the Government-led course about Content Design. He learnt what a content designer does and how their work affects a user.

Team, Content

HeX News – September 2020

From new hires to launching new websites. Lots of great things have happened in 2020 and we can’t wait to share them with you…


Zara explains: Accessibility Audit Training and the Value of Up-Skilling Your Team

Zara explains our training and the value you can get out of up-skilling your internal team on accessibility.

Team, Accessibility

Zara Explains: Accessibility Audit – Is User Testing Necessary?

Accessibility Director, Zara Gemmell, talks about user testing and provides resources to explain why user testing with a range of abilities is important.

Advice, Team, Accessibility

Zara Explains: Accessibility audits and Accessibility Statements

Accessibility Director, Zara Gemmell, explains as briefly as possible, the process of carrying out an accessibility audit for our public sector clients.

Local Gov, Team, Accessibility

How to Create Accessible Facebook Posts

Facebook and Instagram attract billions of users on a monthly basis. But, what accessibility provisions does Facebook and Instagram have, and how can you utilise them?

Advice, Industry, Accessibility, Social media

How To Make Your Tweets more Accessible

Twitter is used by hundreds of millions worldwide. Some of those are disabled users. What accessibility provisions does Twitter have, and how can you utilise them.

Accessibility, Social media