The Key to Building Successful Client Relationships

As a business supplying services to a client it’s incredibly important to maintain a healthy relationship, making sure that everything is communicated effectively and you are on the same page as each other.

Development, Maintenance

Aching for Accessibility

Last week the team took a trip down to Neath, South Wales on behalf of Broxtowe Borough Council to witness the website being tested at The Shaw Trust.

Accessibility, Content, Development, Charity, Education, Government

Making Your Content Concise

Is your company jargon confusing customers? Are your pages and pages of text getting hard to read? Time for some problem solving…involving making your content concise

Accessibility, Content

What Makes A Story Newsworthy?

Find out what factors make an article newsworthy

It’s a common question when it comes to writing a press release. Any PR and marketing professional should constantly ask the question of whether something is newsworthy or not.

Industry, Brand design, Content, Social media

How Essential is Mobile Optimisation?

Find out how essential mobile optimisation is and what happens when you’re not optimised

Industry, Content, Development, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Web design

Viral Marketing – How it works

Find out how viral marketing works and the factors that make up a great viral marketing message.

For the past couple of weeks, I have been studying a term that we all subconsciously experience daily, that term is viral marketing.

Industry, Brand design, Content, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social media

The Troll that is Stopping your Conversion Rates

Find out how to stop the troll that is stopping your potential customers dead in their tracks.

For every website that has an online shop, getting customers through the sales funnel and finally past the buying stage can feel like a constant battle with very little reason as to why it happens.

Industry, Content, Development, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)