Due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, we’re still committed to providing the best service possible. But let’s all stay safe…
You’re probably fed up of seeing ‘heart-felt’ messages filled with preened empathy from company CEOs right now. And, who can blame you?! You signed up to their email list 7 years ago and all of a sudden, they’re “there for you” and they “understand this difficult time”.
So, let’s keep this as light-hearted as possible… And please, let’s avoid the word ‘unprecedented’.
How we’re coping
In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, people who are able to work from home, are doing just that. And, we’re no exception.
But, apart from the slight environment change, as long as we’ve got internet access, and a computer of some kind – it’s business as usual wherever we are – pandemic or not! We’re still working hard for our clients.
We’re still designing wireframes, building websites and writing content as usual, albeit with a cat/dog/child on our lap for now.
Our clients
Fundamentally, we are a company that is relied on for our outstanding services to our clients who operate worldwide. And we’d like to reassure all of our customers that we are still very much open for business. At the end of the day, no pandemic will stop people using the internet.
Most companies are in unchartered territory right now and some may well hunker down and keep their digital powder dry. Others though, are reviewing the situation from other countries and realising that they can make a difference. Whichever way you may be swaying, we’re here to support you.
As per the guidelines we’ve all been given, all non-essential travel will be suspended and all physical meetings will no longer be taking place. But we’ll be doing it all virtually; we can use any video chatting platform you wish but tend to work best with Zoom.
All of the usual contact methods are still functional and you can reach us by emailing hello@horlix.com or calling us on 0115 888 2828.
We’re still the friendly agency you know, and we’ll still be on hand to do everything as normal. The only downside is, is that you can’t use a meeting as an excuse to have our coffee or challenge us to a game of table football!
Be nice
We’re lucky. We’re in an industry that can do all of the above. We really do mean that we can work from anywhere with an internet connection and a device. However, we’re increasingly aware that not everybody has that luxury. Those who work in hospitality, retail or customer service no longer have a place of work for the time being. And that’s scary.
And here’s to the wonderful NHS staff, teachers, supermarket employees, delivery drivers, emergency services, postmen, and anyone else who has to continue working on-site during this time. They are all heroes who keep this country running, and we’d never get through any of this without them.
In times of uncertainty, it’s important that we look out for one another. We should be supporting our family, friends and colleagues – making time to video chat with those who you cannot see, spending time with our households and making sure we’re all keeping safe.
Stay safe
Being asked to stay at home and to stop having close contact with a member of your extended family, or good friend is difficult. But please follow all of the guidance that has been set out by the Government to remain safe. You really could be saving lives by staying home.
As cheesy as the saying is, we really will get through this together. And we need to support each other through this strange and difficult time.
But the most important thing is, this will get better. It won’t be this way forever. We’ll be back to normal providing everyone does the right thing and stays at home.
So, wherever you are and however you are affected, please stay safe.
Thank for your continued support and take care.
-James, Zara, Tom and Ben