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Digital Accessibility Matters

Website Accessibility Checklist: A Beginner’s Guide

As an organisation you’ve most likely adapted your messaging and branding to stand out against your competitors. But, have you considered the digital accessibility of your platform to make sure that it is inclusive for all of your target audience? If not, your site users may go elsewhere.


Advice, Digital Accessibility Matters, Accessibility

Setting the record straight: A guide to accessibility overlays

If you’re thinking about building an accessible website, or you’re looking for best accessibility practices, there’s a strong likelihood that you’ve come across the use of accessibility toolbars. These are also known as ‘accessibility overlays’. In this guide we look into whether they are good or bad for accessibility on websites.


Digital Accessibility Matters, Accessibility, Development, Web design

The benefits of digital accessibility

Digital accessibility makes the world a better place. Removing barriers that divide a large portion of our population, creates a more united and inclusive world. Beyond this, there are also benefits for organisations who put accessibility at the forefront.


Advice, Digital Accessibility Matters, Accessibility

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