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20-20a Westminster Buildings, Theatre Square, Nottingham, NG1 6LG(0115) 888 2828


Celebrating women in technology on International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day celebrates the achievements of women in society, and on this day, we are focusing on the achievements of women in the field of technology.


Awareness days, Industry

Integrating accessibility at Confetti Industry Week 2022

The upcoming Industry Week for Confetti’s students is jam-packed with amazing guest speakers this year, including someone from HeX…



Meet our new Graphic Design student

The HeX team has a new Graphic Design student on a placement for the next 10-weeks.



Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Today, we are celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities – an awareness raising day, aimed at promoting the rights of disabled people and highlighting the barriers that they experience each day.


Awareness days, Industry

Lion Heart – A Poem by T.M. Barker



West of England Combined Authority audit testing and web development


Local Gov, Accessibility, Development, Government, Wordpress

Shaw Trust Accessibility Services: SEO, PPC and social media


Industry, Charity, Content, Maintenance, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), Social media, Support, Wordpress

Accessibility Practices Higher Education Establishments Should be Using

In the third of our four part series on higher education and accessibility, we look at what procedures and practices higher education establishments should be using to make their digital services more accessible.


Accessibility, Education

Challenges That Higher Education Face in Becoming Accessible

In the second of our four part series on higher education and accessibility, we look at the challenges higher education establishments face in making their digital services accessible.


Accessibility, Education

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